Sacred Moon Ceremony

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Sacred Moon Ceremony

Each moon phase carries unique energies that can inspire transformation and intention in your life. Join us for a transformative hour long ceremony designed to harness the power of the moon phases and live your life with greater purpose and clarity.

Led by Bre, who brings over 30 years of experience in the spiritual realm and has been initiated by an elder Incan Shaman, this ceremony offers profound spiritual insights and practices. The session typically begins with a Despacho Flower Ceremony, where we create a sacred flower offering to establish harmony and balance between the spiritual and physical realms.

We will then set intentions specific to the current moon phase. Bre will guide us through this process with sound healing and channeling, deepening our meditation experience. The ceremony will conclude with a Water Ceremony to express our gratitude to Mother Gaia for her many blessings.

If you have any questions about the ceremony, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


First-time participants are welcome to join us for free! Must RSVP to hold space.

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